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Music Class

Larry Hall spent thirty-four years teaching everything from kindergarten classroom music to high school concert band at the Ashland elementary and high schools.  He retired from teaching in 1999, and agreed to manage a local music store called Aroostook Music (on behalf of parent company NK Music) for ‘a year or two.’  That ‘year or two’ actually lasted until April of 2012, when NK Music folded.  KMH Music opened their doors a month later, and Mr. Hall – the H of KMH – agreed to stay on with the new store for ‘another year or two.’  He remained in the store’s employment until his passing in 2018.   


During his long career both as a teacher and a band instrument repair technician and school road representative, Mr. Hall was legendary for his quiet generosity.  If a student needed a new reed but didn’t have any money (which was often the case), Mr. Hall was famous for selecting a brand-new reed and dropping it into their instrument case while exclaiming, “UH-oh!  THAT one’s defective!”  He often spent his Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons hunched over the repair bench, fixing students’ instruments for free.  He paid for supplies and even instruments out of his own pocket and selflessly donated them to kids in need, often anonymously.   


The Larry Hall Memorial Fund Committee is proud to continue his legacy by working with area music teachers and KMH store personnel to quietly deliver free instruments, repairs, or accessories to students in need.  For more information, feel free to inquire at

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